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Vitamin D3

Ample Serum Vitamin D3 (Active Vitamin D) is Quintessential to Health:

It is Integral to Over 1,000 Chemical Processes in the Body and Helps With:

  1. Optimum Immune Function
  1. Reducing the Risk of Cancer
  1. Protecting Against Heart Disease
  1. Making Calcium and Phosphorous Available To the Cells of the Body
  1. Improving Lung Function
  1. Maintaining Muscle Mass
  1. Reducing the Risk of Bone Fractures, Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
  1. Slowing aging
  1. Helps convert primary thyroid hormone T4 to the more active T3 - giving one more energy

Vitamin D is so important to health that nature caused it to be made by the human body when sunlight strikes the skin, so that even during a famine you could have Vitamin D.

  • One of the main reasons that older people do better with their health if they live in sunshine states is because there they get more sunshine on their skin (and the body makes more Vitamin D as a result). Actually, anyone would do better with more sunshine.    
  • If you cannot be outside much in the sun, then you need to ensure daily supplementation with Vitamin D3 supplements.
  • Also, please note that the more body fat a person has, the more Vitamin D3 that person needs to take (because fat soaks up the Vitamin D3 and prevents it from circulating in the blood and doing the good it would otherwise do).
  • Also, the darker one's skin is, the more one sunshine exposure is needed for the body to convert sunshine to Vitamin D3.
  • Trying to maintain a serum level between 60 and 90 ng/ml of Vitamin D3 is a best practice. Usually, that can be done with a daily intake of between 4,000 IU to 7,000 IU (depending on body size, body fat, and skin pigmentation).

Have You Ever Wondered Why November Is the Healthiest Month of the Year (in the Northern Hemisphere)?

Vitamin D absorption from sun by month
  1. The answer is that our bodies have been accumulating Vitamin D all through the summer months and autumn months. Vitamin D lingers in the body for about five weeks from the time it first enters.
  2. By November the amount of sunshine striking people's skin has significantly diminished (as they spend less time outdoors)... and so from December through April are the unhealthiest months because our Vitamin D stores are by then depleted.
  3. So, if a person wants a healthy winter and spring, that person must supplement with Vitamin D from October through June.
  4. Vitamin D supplementation should be a year-round habit, but absolutely must be your habit from November to April in order to maintain minimally acceptable Vitamin D3 levels throughout the year!

December, January, February and March are the unhealthiest because of the lack of adequate Vitamin D3!

cases of influenza per week

Moral of the Story: Keep Your Vitamin D3 Levels Up!

Maintaining High Levels of Vitamin D is a Key Health Practice That Each Person Should Have!

  • Vitamin D is vital to a healthy life! It is nearly impossible to find something that is more important to talk about in the field of health than Vitamin D. When Vitamin D is in optimal supply in the body, significant wellness benefits result and when Vitamin D is not in plentiful supply, numerous health woes are on their way.
  • Degenerative disease and low levels of Vitamin D go together. Studies show that there is an extremely high degree of correlation between Vitamin D levels and degenerative disease. Medical scientists and researchers have found that serum Vitamin D levels are low in 90% of people with degenerative disease such as heart disease, cancer and autoimmune disease.
  • Vitamin D3 Levels
  • There are two measuring systems for reporting Vitamin D levels in the body. The first method reports serum Vitamin D3 (25 Hydroxy D) in nanomoles per liter while the second (and more common) scale reports Vitamin D3 levels in nanograms per milliliter. In that more common scale, optimum levels are between 50 to 100 ng/ml. Lifeguards who spend all day in the sun commonly have levels of 65 to 100 ng/ml. Unfortunately, most people in North America and Europe are below 30 ng. In fact, many are below 10 ng/ml. At such a low number, one is literally "asking" for illness to occur. It is virtually impossible to stay well at D3 numbers lower than 15.
  • Serum vitamin D3 levels can almost predict your health — There is so much scientific evidence documenting the essential health roles of Vitamin D, showing that ill health corresponds to low levels of Vitamin D that for one to not ensure optimal intake of Vitamin D is foolhardy. Going without Vitamin D for an extended period of time will result in cellular membrane damage that is not easily undone. Truly, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  • Problem: The majority of people today in industrialized nations are under supplied with Vitamin D, usually getting 10 to 20 times less Vitamin D than their bodies could use. The average North American diet furnishes only 200 to 250 units of Vitamin D daily as opposed to an optimal intake of at least 4,000 units.

Low Vitamin D and Colds and Flu are Linked:

  • Scientific studies show conclusively that one is much less likely to get sick with colds or flu when his/her body ample Vitamin D. That’s why sickness is more prevalent during the later winter months when people have less exposure to sunshine and less accumulated Vitamin D in their bodies. Fortunately, for those who understand the importance of Vitamin D, Vitamin D supplements can furnish much the same rewards as sunshine.

You Can't Get Enough Vitamin D From Food

Here's how much Vitamin D there is in food:

  • Milk - 100 IU (equivalent to 45 seconds of full-body sunshine)
  • Whole Egg - 20 IU (equivalent to 8 seconds of full-body sunshine)
  • Butter, 1 tablespoon - 8 IU (equivalent to 3 seconds of full-body sunshine)
  • Fish, 1 serving - 300 IU (equivalent to 2 minutes of full-body sunshine)
  • Cod Liver Oil, 1 tablespoon - 1,360 IU (equivalent to 8 minutes of full-body sunshine at the equator)
  • Average American Diet - 300 IU (equivalent to 2 minutes of full-body sunshine)

Highest Quality Vitamin D3 Ordering Form

Our Preferred Customer Price: $15.00 per 100 Count Bottle

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings per Bottle: 100
Vitamin D3
(as cholecalciferol)
5,000 IU (1250% DV)

Vitamin D3 – From Sun to Skin to Bones

The reason Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin is because when rays of sunlight penetrate one’s skin, Vitamin D is created within the skin and then circulates in the blood throughout the body. (See below:)

d3 from sun to skin to bones

Vitamin D Does Many Amazing Things. Check Them Out:

  1. Helps produces natural antibiotics that help increase our resistance to flu, colds, HIV, etc.
  2. Helps maintain mineral balance inside cells, including inside the mitochondria. Minerals are rate limiters in regard to production of mitochondrial antioxidants that cope with free radical creation in the mitochondria, so having enough is vital to mitochondrial health.
  3. Helps prevents arterial calcification or hardening of the arteries — helping decrease blood pressure, increasing cardiac output and lowering resting heart rate.
  4. Is a lipid antioxidant, helping lower cholesterol and providing more cellular membrane protection than Vitamin E.
  5. Helps prevent autoimmune disease, such as MS, Lupus, etc.
  6. Help to promote strong bones and helps prevent fractures.
  7. Helps increase muscle strength, tolerance to stress, sex hormones, energy and endurance.
  8. Helps convert thyroid hormone T4 to the more active form T3, thus increasing our energy.

Sunshine or Supplements - There is No Other Way

Just one half hour of daily, midday, full-body sunshine in Florida or other tropical latitudes will get a person all the Vitamin D his or her body needs. The problem is that many of us don’t get that much mid day sunshine on our skin in a month, let alone each day.

Factors that interfere with the human body’s ability to make enough active Vitamin D from Sunshine to function optimally include:
  1. Insufficient sunshine on skin... you can’t convert what isn't happening.
  2. The further we are from the equator, the more difficult it is to get enough Vitamin D from the sun. At the equator, full body exposure to sunlight produces up to 20,000 units of Vitamin D3 per hour (depending on skin complexion - fair skin produces the most Vitamin D3). If, however, one is more than 30 degrees north or south of the equator it can take from two to ten times longer to get Vitamin D3 from sunshine.
  3. Sun blocking lotions prevent people from getting Vitamin D3 from the sun. Anything over an SPF 8 all but stops Vitamin D3 production. A good practice is to go in the sun for 15 to 30 minutes before applying sun block, so you get Vitamin D3 from the initial sun exposure, but don’t burn.
  4. Sunlight is most effective at producing Vitamin D3 between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. After that the angle of the light isn’t direct enough to stimulate as much production of Vitamin D3.
  5. The darker one’s skin the more exposure to sunlight is required for the production of Vitamin D3. This is due to the melanin stopping the penetration of the UV rays that stimulate Vitamin D3 production. Dark skinned people need 10 to 20 times more exposure to sun to produce the same amount of Vitamin D3 in the skin. Therefore, darker skinned people need to consider supplemental Vitamin D3 unless they are in the sun many hours per day.
  6. If your liver isn’t functioning properly, conversion of “sunshine” produced 7-Dehydrocholesterol into 25-dehydroxyvitamin D3 won’t occur.
  7. If your kidneys aren’t functioning properly, conversion of 25-dehydroxyvitamin D3 to 1,25-dehydroxyvitamin D3 won’t occur.

That's why we say... if in doubt, take the supplement. The downside of getting insufficient Vitamin D is too great to leave this to chance!

Our educational system needs to teach the critical role of Vitamin D in human health.

Most people have been taught in their health education classes at school that minimal doses of Vitamin D prevent rickets. Hopefully, some day, health education classes will teach that larger amounts of Vitamin D from sunshine or supplements, not only help make strong bones, but also help create a strong immune system and generally promote good health.

Vitamin D3 supplements are a good alternative to getting Vitamin D3 from sunshine.

By now you may recognize your need to supplement with Vitamin D3. In choosing a supplement, you should choose Vitamin D3 supplements since Vitamin D3 is the active form of Vitamin D and the most efficient form for the body. Other forms of Vitamin D must be converted to Vitamin D3 in order to be used by the body.

Supplementation with Vitamin D3 is:

  1. Inexpensive
  2. Well absorbed
  3. Furnishes exactly the same chemical as what we would get from sun exposure

There isn’t much of an excuse for not getting sufficient Vitamin D. We can go outside and get sunshine for free or buy the sunshine vitamin vitamind3_web_largefor less than 15 cents a day.

Studies and Research About Vitamin D

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.