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The key to health is eliminating toxicities and deficiencies! - Dr. William R. Kellas

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Eight Day Cleanse

The Eight Day Cleanse is for a Human Being Like a Tune‑Up is for A Car

  • The Eight Day Cleanse Is a Habit That Adds Years of Healthy Living to Your Lifespan!

  • The Eight Day Cleanse Is the Best Way to Start any Quest to Improve Health!

  • The Eight Day Cleanse Is Dr. Kellas's Fastest Health Accelerating Product

What Exactly Our Eight Day Cleanse Is:

  1. The Eight Day Cleanse is a systemic-enzyme based cleanse that helps digest and remove complement, mucoidal plaque, fibrin and gunk from the intestines and cardiovascular system.
  2. It is also a pathogen cleanse, utilizing multiple methods to destroy and weaken parasites, yeasts, bacteria, viruses and mycoplasmas.
  3. The Eight Day Cleanse also focuses on stimulating a greater production in the body of one's own digestive chemicals (acids, bile and enzymes).
  4. Finally, the Eight Day Cleanse helps repair gastrointestinal tissue.

The Eight Day Cleanse includes four supplements (E7 or Ricotriene, Paragon, Cleanzym, Silver Biotics) and a diet plan and recipes for eating only low calorie vegetables, oils and spices for eight days. The cleansing protocol was designed and perfected by Dr. Kellas with tens of thousands of clients to accomplish that purpose of cleaning out the internal body.

Why Should You Do the Eight Day Cleanse:

To clean your gastrointestinal tract and blood stream.

Think of your body like a combustion engine car. As you know a periodic engine tune‑up adds performance and longevity to combustion engine cars by removing build-up of harmful, combustion sludge that will prevent a car engine from efficiently turning fuel and oxygen into usable power. Similarly, a periodic cleansing of the digestive, eliminatory and circulatory systems of the human body allows one's body to be free of accumulated interference so that one's body can turn every bit of food nutrition into energy and vitality.

The Eight Day Cleanse has a significant benefit not directly related to health, namely, the Cleanse helps you smell "good". Normally, as people get older they start to smell "old". That smell is the result of decades of accumulated garbage being stored in the body. The Eight Day Cleanse helps to get that accumulated garbage "out of you".

If you have not done a Cleanse lately, then now is the time to get pathogens, fibrin, complement and internal filth out of your body so that you function more optimally!

How the Eight Day Cleanse Improves Intestines and Health

Go from a intestinal tract cross section that looks like this...


... to this, and FEEL the improved health that results!

  • The Eight Day Cleanse utilizes systemic enzymes to help remove mucoidal gel that often adheres to intestinal walls. Left unremoved, mucoidal gel interferes with nutrient absorption and gives safe haven to harmful microorganisms. These pathogens will (because of their proximity to intestinal walls) begin to perforate your intestinal linings, allowing seepage of toxins into your bloodstream.
  • The Eight Day Cleanse utilizes proven botanicals to help kill parasites in order to reduce their toxifying effect upon the body and to stop the tissue damage they cause.
  • The Eight Day Cleanse utilizes E7 or Ricotriene and other healing nutrients to heal tissue damage from parasites - especially perforations in intestinal wall linings.
  • The Eight Day Cleanse promotes the release of stored toxins — by dissolving and breaking apart toxin storage sites throughout the body.
  • With its assortment of enzymes, the Eight Day Cleanse helps improve circulation by removing fibrin, complement, debris — creating less sticky and more free flowing blood to improve circulation.
  • With the highest ORAC rated product on earth, the Eight Day Cleanse combats free radical driven disease and aging by providing superior antioxidants.
  • The Eight Day Cleanse strengthens the liver and promotes its ability to combat allergens.
  • The Eight Day Cleanse works to correct pH which improves assimilation of nutrients as many trace elements only assimilate if the pH is at the right level.
  • The Eight Day Cleanse helps one to establish a new pattern of seeking to maintain an internally clean body.

There Are Thousands of Happy Eight Day Cleansers

The 8-Day Cleanse concept is the result of Dr. Kellas’s supervision of many thousands of patients at the Center for Advanced Medicine in cleansing their bodies. The Eight Day Cleanse will accomplish more health-improving detoxification of your body in eight days than you could do any other way.

Most people do the Eight Day Cleanse once or twice per year.

Here are a few reports:

  • I recently purchased your 8 day cleanse and was very surprised at how well I felt when finished. I have completed several cleanses in the past, but have to agree that I think yours is one of the best. Becky B.
  • I have suffered from painful Rosacea for many years. As a result of doing three Eight Day Cleanses during a period of 40 days, I lost 35 pounds permanently. My legs no longer swell like they used to. I no longer experience the pain that I used to have in my face, scalp, nose, ears and I have nearly weaned myself off of taking daily antibiotics in order to help control the Rosacea. Susan C.
  • I had such a good experience with it, that I had several coworkers do your Cleanse. Sonia C.
  • I am very impressed with your products and especially so as regards how my cravings for sugar have decreased. I now feel that being clean internally is achievable at last! Thank you! Lana H.
  • More Testimonials

Optimal HealthHealth is the Natural State for the Body When There Are No Deficiencies or Toxicities

When given nutrient tools and freedom from toxicity, the body will naturally create health. Therefore, the goal is to:

  • Ensure that your body is not toxified or damaged.
  • Ensure that your body gets ALL the supplies or nutrients it needs.
  • All this starts by ensuring good functional condition of the gastrointestinal tract through twice a year cleansing!

These are the gastrointestinal truths you should remember:

We are NOT what we eat... even though everything about us starts with what we eat.

  • We are what we eat, digest and assimilate. It isn't mouths or stomachs that eat food, but, rather our cells.

    Mouths, stomachs and intestines turn food into small nutrient molecules that our cells can eat!

Only when our gastrointestinal tract has sufficient enzymes and digestive juices and undamaged gastrointestinal linings is our body able to break down the food we eat into usable molecules of nutrients.

  • Without those enzymes, digestive juices and well-functioning gastrointestinal linings, our cells will assimilate much less nutrition from the food we eat than could be. Possibly worse, undigested food turns into toxins that damage the whole body.

If harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites live in our stomachs and intestines, they will damage our gastrointestinal linings, and interfere with the digestion and assimilation of nutrients and increase overall toxicity.

  • If we remove those organisms, our digestive tract can heal and begin to produce more of the gastric juices and enzymes needed to extract all possible nutrients from food we eat. And toxicity will be lessened.

The optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the foundation or wellspring of health. If your gastrointestinal functioning isn't right, then your health will deteriorate.

Here's a few health expert opinions:

  • Dr. John Harvey Kellogg declared “90% of diseases are due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Similarly, Dr. Bernard Jensen, a proponent of natural health and author of Tissue Cleaning Through Bowel Management said, "In the 50 years I've spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people's health problems."
  • Dr. Arnold Ehret believed that most disease is caused by a clogging of the tube and membrane structures within the body due to a build-up of restrictive mucoidal plaque.
The Eight Day Cleanse will help you cleanse your internal body more in eight days than you could accomplish in any other way.

The Eight Day Cleanse is Easy to Do!

  • The Eight Day Cleanse takes eight days to do.
  • It involves eating low calorie vegetables instead of normal foods.
  • And taking four supplements.
  • And measuring one's urine pH daily.
  • Learn more in the tabs below and the frequently asked questions.


The Eight Day Cleanse Kit includes:

(Click on each to learn more)

The Cleanse instructions are summarized as follows:

  1. Consume one capsule of Cleanzyme fifteen times per day (separated by approximately one hour).
  2. Swish and swallow one ounce of Silver Biotics four times a day (morning, noon, evening and just before retiring to bed)
  3. Consume one scoop (included in canister) of Seven Essentials three times a day (morning, noon, evening). Take an extra scoop in the morning if desired or anytime for extra energy
  4. Consume two capsules of Paragon three times a day or three capsules twice a day. (Continue taking Paragon after the eight days until 180 capsules are consumed.)
  5. Take your urine pH (using the pH strips that come in the kit) each morning at the same time (first urination, mid-stream). Compare the pH color to the provided color chart and keep a diary of each day's pH for the whole eight days. The purpose is to know if your body is adequately mineralized or not. What to do if the pH is out of range is found in the detailed instructions.
  6. Eat two to three low-calorie vegetable meals each day (see detailed instructions). Generally speaking this means meals of things like salad greens, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, zucchini, parsley, watercress, radishes, bamboo shoots, mustard greens, turnips (may be boiled in salt), turnip tops, etc. with olive oil and spice dressings that do not contain sugar or fruit. Vegetables (except turnips) are all best eaten raw. Cauliflower and zucchini may be lightly steamed.
  7. Vegetables are integral to the program, providing the roughage to scour the intestines clean after the enzymes begin breaking up the intestinal wall plaque. DO NOT DO THE EIGHT DAY CLEANSE WITHOUT EATING VEGETABLES EACH DAY!

Detailed Cleanse Instructions

Click to read or download and print

ph Strips

Sufficient urine pH tape strips are provided along with a color chart (you match the color of the urine pH strips to the color chart to determine your urine pH. Based on urine pH, adjustments are made the cleanse protocol.

Urine pH readings below 6.2 often are the result of insufficient minerals in the body while pH readings above 6.6 are often resulting from the wastes of parasites.

  • So, for urine pHs of 6.0 or less we recommend supplementing with minerals and taking Zeolite to remove heavy metals.
  • For readings above 6.4, to help get rid of parasites faster, we recommend increasing the daily amounts of Paragon from five capsules times two to 7 capsules times two.

Our Paragon utilizes twenty-five, anti-parasite herbs that accomplish the goals of several previously-used anti-parasitic formulations. It is powerful at helping rid the intestinal tract and bloodstream of parasites and toxins.

An average sized adult takes 2 capsules three times a day until the bottle is empty (one has consumed all 180 capsules). This is the only part of the Cleanse that continues beyond eight days.

Another way is to take 3 capsules three times a day for 10 days, take a 10 day break and then finish the bottle by taking 3 capsules three times a day for another 10 days. (This is better, but more complex.)

Our Silver Biotics Liquid (nanosized, silver oxide product) is a proven way to help the body to conquer Candida, viruses, mycoplasmas and bacteria in the mouth, esophagus and stomach. We recommend that during the Cleanse you gargle, swish (squirting through your mouth and teeth) and swallow one ounce, four times per day. Take two minutes to swish thoroughly then swallow.

When the 28 times strength aloe became unavailable (no longer manufactured), we chose Silver Biotics as its replacement because of its powerful ability to help the body become clean from numerous types of pathogens. It's an awesome replacement.

Cleanzyme is the most important part of the Eight Day Cleanse program. It consists of 17 pH balanced enzymes plus botanicals that stimulate production of digestive enzymes, bile and gastric juices and botanicals to purify the gastrointestinal tract of pathogenic organisms.

By taking a capsule every hour, the enzymes in it go through the digestive and circulatory systems like little PAC-men gobbling up complement, fibronigen, mucoidal gel, plaque, or debris — cleaning up the internals of the human body. Cleansing Enzymes is an amazing product for rebuilding human health starting with the gastrointestinal organs. During the Cleanse, one takes one capsule every hour, up to 15 capsules per day.

Seven Essentials is an easily digested food powder supplement, containing Ricotriene, 10 vegetables, fiber, probiotics, deep sea minerals, Adaptogens and more. Its job is to help the body heal any damaged gastrointestinal linings and to help reduce inflammatory damaged caused by free radicals. It also helps repair damaged insulin receptors so that the body can better manage blood sugar and metabolism. It is a premier food supplement and helps ensure one feels great while cleansing.

While cleansing, one takes one scoop of Seven Essentials, three (or, optionally 4) times a day (morning, noon, evening) and optionally a second scoop for breakfast to start the day, mixed in about 12 to 24 ounces of water (the more water the better).

phone support

You can talk to us at 800.704.0986 from 9am to 2pm. You can also text us at 801-649-3671 and we will reply as soon as we can.


Eight Day Cleanse Ordering Form

Comparative Retail Price: $229.95
Our Preferred Customer Price: $199.95

E7 Flavor Desired for Cleanse: 

Fascinating Tidbits About Why The Eight Day Cleanse Works So Well

Systemic Enzymes

The Eight Day Cleanse is a systemic enzyme cleanse and so the Cleanzyme product is the most important part of the Cleanse. It is important to take a capsule every hour (if you forget one time, just take additional capsules to make sure you get all fifteen each day)

  • The enzymes (in the Cleansing Enzymes) act like homing torpedoes (or pac-men) in that they target and destroy toxin prisons, which are often proteinous sludge (or mucoidal gel) adhering to intestinal walls and fibrins that clog the capillaries and organs of the body. Removing this mucoidal gel plaque and fibrins helps improve absorption of nutrients as it improves blood flow through the capillaries and villi, and through the intestines.
    • Mucoidal gel in both the small and large intestines interferes with the absorption of nutrients. It also provides homes for fungi, bacteria and parasites. So, removing this gel is like clearing sludge out of a car engine. It liberates the body to function better.
    • Capillaries blocked with fibrin block red blood cells from delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells and in removing their wastes. Our capillaries are somewhat similar to the last mile in telecommunications, extremely important, but are not very often in the spotlight. Most of the attention in telecommunications goes to communications lines going under the ocean and the fibers running under our major highways. Far less attention goes to the bit of telecommunications wires that go to each office, home or apartment unit.
    • Helps red blood cells to more easily reach tissues — when you realize that red blood cells actually have to bend in half to travel down a capillary, you realize that if your arteries are partially blocked with plaque, then your capillaries are even more blocked. It is important to get fibrin out of capillaries with enzymes so that oxygen and nutrients can quickly reach the cells throughout our body and wastes can be removed.

Plant Botanicals and Nano-Silver Oxides That Kill or Weaken Pathogens

The Eight Day Cleanse employs powerful plant botanicals and nano-silver-oxides (far better than colloids) that help kill fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites throughout the body.

  • Gentian root
  • Myrrh
  • Black Walnut
  • Wormwood
  • Garlic
  • Citrus Extract (grapefruit seed)
  • Pacific Kelp (leaf)
  • Butternut (root)
  • Myrrh (resin)
  • Ground Clove (buds)
  • Goldenseal (root)
  • Bitter Melon (fruit)
  • Barbery root
  • Long Pepper (fruit)
  • Ginger
  • Oregano (seed)
  • Fennel Seed
  • Quack grass
  • Thyme
  • Blue vervain
  • Pumpkin (seed)
  • Peppermint (leaf)
  • Licorice (root)
  • Silver Biotics

Harmful microorganisms and parasites are a great burden on the body by taking food resources, by directly damaging our tissues and by releasing their toxic wastes into our body which must then be detoxified by the liver or stored as extra filth within us. So, helping the body to lessen the amount microorganisms and parasites in it is an essential part of the Eight Day Cleanse.

The Two Best Ingredients to Help End Leaky Gut

The Eight Day Cleanse includes Silver Biotics which is very helpful in cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of pathogens that seek to perforate the gut so that the gut can heal. Trying to heal the gut with pathogens still damaging it is like trying to get a wound to heal with soothing ointments while a thorn is still sticking in the skin. Silver is arguably the best anti-infection agent in the world.

The Eight Day Cleanse also includes Seven Essentials with Ricotriene (soluble, stabilized rice bran). Ricotriene is a powerful tissue healer that helps damaged villi and other intestinal lining tissues to heal.

Spring Cleaning

  1. The Eight Day Cleanse is truly an experience in Spring Cleaning. Often in life, really important projects go undone for years because the pace of life doesn’t allow us to get to doing these important, but time and energy consuming jobs.
  2. It’s like that in our bodies too. If we give our digestive systems a break by eating the simple foods allowed during the Eight Day Cleanse, the body is able to focus on "the clean-up" projects that couldn't be done before because we kept our body so busy processing incoming difficult-to-digest foods.
  3. When we stop the difficult to digest foods, and focus on supplying the body with very simple foods and also supply the body with super cleansing tools such as are in the Eight Day Cleanse, our body can focus on cleansing in a VERY BIG way. You will accomplish tremendous amounts of internal cleansing in just eight days.

Vegetable Meals Are Important

Some people wonder why they should not abstain from all food when doing the Eight Day Cleanse.

The reason to not do that is that bulk fiber moving through the intestinal tract is essential to pushing out the debris, dead pathogens and parasites, etc. that the enzymes will be taking apart and dismantling from where they has been attached as gel or plaque to the gastrointestinal walls. Without that fiber, your gastrointestinal tract would not be cleaned out. The vegetables and salads are push brooms getting everything out of you.

Also, the vegetables and salads help the Essentials Seven food powder move more slowly through you, so that every bit of nutrition is extracted.

It's better with the vegetables. Trust us. We've tried it both ways!


Eight Day Cleanse - Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why is the Eight Day Cleanse better than other Cleanse Programs?

Answer: Other cleanse programs, colonics or enemas, are largely colon flushes. Those are excellent to do, but they are not as valuable as what the Eight Day Cleanse does.

The Eight Day Cleanse is a systemic-enzyme based cleanse that helps digest/remove complement, mucoidal plaque, fibrin and gunk from the intestines and cardiovascular system. It is also a pathogen cleanse, utilizing multiple methods to destroy and weaken parasites, yeasts, bacteria, viruses and mycoplasmas. The Eight Day Cleanse also focuses on stimulating a greater production in the body of one's own digestive chemistry (acids, bile and enzymes). Finally, the Eight Day Cleanse helps repair gastrointestinal tissue.

Question: Why is the Eight-Day Cleanse the Best Beginning to any Health Improvement Journey?

Answer: The condition of the gastrointestinal tract (from the mouth to the end of the colon) is the major determinant of health. Failing to first address that is failing to create a foundation of health.

The Eight Day Cleanse helps clean and heal the gastrointestinal tract so that one can then tailorize a health restoration program adapted to individual needs and know that the gastrointestinal tract will not be an impediment.

That is the whole purpose of the Eight Day Cleanse - to address the foundation of health. If you don't get the gastrointestinal tract operating cleanly and efficiently without interference, then you are leaving out the most important component of health.

Question: Should I do any preparation before beginning the 8-Day Cleanse?

Answer: You don’t have to prepare. You can just dive right in.

However, eating Seven Essentials or Ricotriene for a few weeks, before diving into the Cleanse could be a good idea for people who have Candida because doing that will begin the process of killing Candida/fungus in your body and make the eight days of the Cleanse a little less stressful.

the eliminatory pathways of the body (lymph, liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin) and can cause bloating and flu-like symptoms.

Question: Do I continue taking my current vitamins and supplements during the 8-Day Cleanse?

Answer: Vitamins are optional. Do not take protein drinks.

Question: Do I continue taking my prescription medicines?

Answer: Yes. But, if in doubt, please contact your medical provider.

Question: Will I get diarrhea from doing the 8-Day Cleanse?

Answer: No, diarrhea is not common because this cleanse employs no irritants, peristalsis stimulants or hydragogues

Question: Why can’t I eat high calorie foods such as crackers, carrots, peppers, potatoes, etc. or drink wine or beer, etc. during the Cleanse?

Answer: They provide too many carbohydrates/ sugars... feeding fungus growth.

Question: Why can’t I eat meat or protein supplements during the Cleanse?

Answer: They will interfere with the detoxification goals of the 8-Day Cleanse by attracting enzyme action instead of allowing the enzymes in the Cleansing Enzymes to dissolve toxic waste dumps in the intestines and circulatory systems. The protein provided in the Ricotriene/Ricatein food powder is predigested, so, it won’t interfere or leave waste material.

Question: What precautions do I take if I have diabetes?

Answer: The 8-Day Cleanse will likely cause lowering of blood sugar. We recommend that you discuss your plans with your doctor.

You will need to monitor your blood sugar levels frequently and be prepared to adjust your diabetic medication dosages based on readings. Brittle diabetics should eat whole grains during the entire 8 days in order to prevent large fluctuations of blood sugar.

Question: Should pregnant and nursing mothers do the 8-Day Cleanse?

Answer: No, pregnant and nursing mothers are advised against doing the 8-Day Cleanse because toxins released into the bloodstream as a result of doing the 8-Day Cleanse may be introduced into the child.

The only safe detoxification method for pregnant or nursing mothers is a passive detoxification such as powdered zeolite or liquid zeolite.

Question: Are there other people who should not do the 8-Day Cleanse?

Answer: Persons with Chron’s disease or digestive ulcerations must not do the 8-Day Cleanse since the enzymes will re-open Chron's ulcers.

Question: What do I do if I experience headache or nausea while doing the 8- Day Cleanse?

Answer: First, you should understand why this happens with some people. A rapid release of toxins occurs during the 8-Day Cleanse. A release of toxins is desirable; but, if the kidneys, liver, lymph, lungs or sweat glands (eliminatory pathways) become overloaded with toxins, then headache or nausea may result.

This is far more likely if there is a large amount of harmful microorganisms (mold, yeast, viruses, bacteria or mycoplasmas) in one’s body because a die-off of these microorganisms will occur during the 8-Day Cleanse. Their dead bodies become toxins.

Normally, the solution for and the prevention of these discomforts is to sweat and rapidly move toxins out of one’s body. Salt rubs, sauna and exercise (walking, stretching, bouncing on a trampoline) will help move and eliminate toxins via the lymph and through the skin. Lymph massages are very helpful, as is sweating (in an infra-red sauna or exercise).

Question: What do I do if I start to feel pudgy or bloated during the Cleanse?

Answer: First, you need to understand that "pudginess or bloatiness" means that your body is storing the toxins (usually in the layer below the skin) instead of eliminating them.

A common reason that some people's bodies to not readily eliminate toxins (but keeps them in the body in water weight, instead) is that these people's bodies are mineral deficient and do not want to lose precious minerals which would be dumped at the same time as toxins. Such mineral-deficient people should consume more minerals, as well as mineral assimilation enablers such as Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3 and Iodine (which allow the body to assimilate minerals). For highly assimilable minerals, we recommend Kona Gold Minerals, Body Genesis or something similar.

Question: How much weight will I lose during the 8-Day Cleanse?

Answer: Although weight loss cannot be predicted individually, we give the following guidelines: People who don’t need to lose weight — won’t. Women typically lose from 6 to 13 pounds and men typically lose from 10 to 18 pounds. Occasionally people lose much more. Often, 1/3 of the weight lost returns within a month.

Question: What preparations can I take to have a more successful Cleanse experience

Answer: Although, one can do the Eight Day Cleanse with no preparation at all (just dive into it), we do recommend that for the best experience (less die-off of yeasts), one start eating Ricotriene/Ricatein or Seven Essentials/E7 daily for one or more weeks prior to doing the Cleanse. Ricatein helps by beginning to heal your body and by killing Candida in your body.

Question: How does one typically feel while doing the Cleanse?

Answer: The majority of people (75% of people) feel perfectly normal during the entire cleanse experience. How one feels while doing the Cleanse depends chiefly on the degree that toxins and pathogens exist in the body and the health of the eliminatory systems. The more toxins in one's body and the less efficient one's body is at eliminating toxins, the more likely it is that one will feel the uncomfortable effect of excessive amounts of toxins being eliminated.

About 25% of first time cleansers will feel the effect of a dramatic detoxification as numerous toxin storage sites and pathogens are broken apart and toxins released into the blood stream. Thankfully, the ‘sickish, achy, or head-achy’ feelings can be averted by getting toxin-releasing massages, taking Epsom salts baths and sweating via exercising and sauna which open up the body’s natural detoxification pathways. And, fortunately, this usually lasts only a couple of days.

Question: How can I get an even more powerful Cleanse experience?

Answer: You can eat vegetables the entire time. The normal Eight Day Cleanse includes 4 days of low-calorie vegetable meals followed by 4 days in which low-gluten grains are also eaten as well as the low-calorie vegetables. For a MAXIMUM cleanse experience just continue the low-calorie vegetable meals the entire eight days and wait for the grains until after the 8 days.

Question: What if I can’t come up with eight days in a row for doing the Cleanse?

Answer: Split the Cleanse into two four day periods (within one month), such as four days this week and four more days within the next three weeks.

Question: Question: What do I do after the 8th day of the Cleanse?

Answer: You can resume your normal diet beginning the 9th day. Remember to finish the Paragon (it takes 30 days to finish them). If you don’t finish them, some of the parasite eggs and larvae in your body will likely hatch and parasites will again begin to multiply within your body.

Copyright 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.